When our daughter went off to school I had no idea what to do with myself. I worked part time and volunteered at the school but that still left a lot of time. So, I learned to bake pies, since I’ve never done anything just a little, I baked LOTS of pies. My counter would be lined with them, if you visited you left with a pie, if I visited you, I brought a pie. My favorite was cherry but pitting all those cherries was not. I didn’t enjoy the cherry stained hands either. My second favorite was peach, this pie has endured, so very simple and delicious. I perfected the crust just the way I like it, flaky, light…yes! I got to where I could throw a pie together in nothing flat. Alas, like all things the pie craze came to an end and not a moment too soon, the whole family was about to go up a size.

Today, I still love pie and when peach season comes around I have to make at least one. I can still make a pretty good crust but I let Pillsbury do the work for me. Why not? I can unroll a flaky, just right every time, crust. I sprinkle flour over my cutting board and my Mom’s rolling pin before rolling each crust out to about 13”. That way I have PLENTY of edge to fold over and seal and most importantly, sop up the excess ice cream! Green Grocerette tip~ you can even cut the pre made crust into strips and weave a lattice crust like a boss, throw a light dusting of flour on your face with this tip. If you prefer organic there are a few options available, give me a call and we’ll order your favorite. You can always add ginger or cinnamon but I love the pure fresh flavor of peaches…and sugar…and butter.
Deep Dish Peach Pie
I package Pillsbury Pie Crust, both crust rolled out to 13”
3 pounds Peaches, cut into 1/2 inch slices
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons flour, plus a little more for rolling out crust.
2 tablespoons butter cut into small pieces
1 egg white, whisk to froth
Superfine sugar for dusting top of pie (you can use regular if you like)
Toss sliced peaches in a large bowl with sugar, flour and lemon juice till coated. Roll one pie crust onto rolling pin and unroll over deep dish pan. Work into pan bottom being careful not to stretch crust. Fill with peach mixture. Roll second crust onto pin and unroll over filled pie. Fold both pie crust edges under and *flute crust together. Refrigerate pie for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 400*. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. After 20 minutes remove pie from fridge, place pie on lined cookie sheet, cut 4 vents in crust. Lightly brush with egg white and sprinkle with superfine sugar. Bake at 400* for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 375* and bake for 45 minutes or until crust is golden brown and filling is bubbly.
*flute-place a index finger on inside edge of crust then using the thumb and finger of other hand press the crust around finger. Continue around whole pie.
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