When we came to Susanville in ’93 Rick was invited to every service organization in town except the Masonic Lodge. Little did we know their motto is ‘2 be 1 ask 1’, they only offer an application if you request it. Rick’s Dad was a Mason, his Granddad was a Mason and now his younger brother is also. So one day he was in the check stand when Claire Tripp came through with a Masonic pin or something and Rick asked…. Claire was back with an application in about 5 minutes!

Peter Lassen brought the first Masonic charter to California from his home in Denmark and he is buried out on Wingfield road with a very nice Monument. This Monument was erected by the Masons. Don’t you just LoVe history? Especially about our Hometown. So, one night Rick came home from Masonic lodge and told me they had presented a letter written by Isaac Roop. Roop wrote this letter to the first Lodge of the state of California requesting $10.00 per Lodge to help pay for the Monument for Peter Lassen’s grave. How cool! So this warranted a drive out to the monument with my daughter Cyndi to look around, our local Rotarians have just mowed and got the place looking great! The leaning tree will be removed (Cyn can’t hold it up forever :) and the plan is to donate the wood to LoCaL Boy Scouts, hopefully some of this will provide benches around our area. Be sure to take a drive, or better yet, bike ride out there to check it out!
Thanks to our LoCaL Legends the Masons and Rotarians! Hometown Proud!
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