"On August 4, 1984 some 500 members of the fraternal organization known as E Clampus Vitus descended upon Susanville. The occasion was the chartering of the Neversweat Chapter #1863 of the E Clampus Vitus and the dedication of the Pioneer, the oldest establishment in Northeastern California. The organization has been around since days of the California gold rush, and was a spoof on the more refined fraternal organizations of the day. In the 1930s it went through a revival and focused on marking historical sites and having a good time while doing so. The Neversweat Chapter was not the first for Susanville, as a lodge existed in 1868. In the early 1880s there were several lodges in Modoc County.”

ECV calls themselves a Historical Drinking Society or a Drinking Historical Society. They are certainly known for having a good time. Once Rick saw a man with shaving cream on his face, wearing women’s underwear, doing the breaststroke on the sidewalk! He was told this was a ‘Clamper’ initiation. Fun!

I so appreciate the markers they are responsible for all up and down our beautiful state. Wherever I see one I want to stop and read the history of that spot on the highway or structure. Lassen County Courthouse, Pioneer Saloon, Grand Cafe, Viewland on 395, the Chimney in Goodrich Valley just to name a few close to home. History preserved, what a huge service to our community!
Thank you E Clampus Vitus and historian Tim Purdy, who just happens to be a member!
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