Winner, winner Chicken Dinner! Or whatever Mike Trumbull wants to buy with his prize of free groceries for 10 weeks! His wife took the call and told Jessica “bless your heart” through some happy tears!
Ken Benner couldn’t believe he won the Webber Grill!
Scott and Toni Merrill are ready for some outdoor fun with their new Yeti!
Heath Chaffin took home the colorful and cool Monster helmet!
Connie Thompson will be high desert surfing on her new iPad!
PLUS SO MANY grocery give aways; bread, milk, eggs, Halo oranges and ice cream!! However, you know who the biggest winner was? Us of course! The support we received from our community, including our customers, friends, family, vendors, suppliers, Lassen County Times, the Chamber and all the local dignitaries made this Grand Opening the best ever! Thank you all so much.
Special Susanville Super thanks to all that sponsored this event~

C&S Wholesale
Foster Farms Dairy
Flowers Bakery
Bimbo Bakery
NuCal Eggs
General Produce
Frozen Gourmet

Your prizes created such energy and excitement!

Hometown Proud thanks to all for our Susanville SUPERmarket Grand Opening!!
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