The first time I saw a picture of Fly Geyser in the Black Rock Desert I was absolutely spellbound. I couldn’t believe it was real. That was about 20 years ago. Since then I have spoke to many people that were lucky enough to see it before the owners of Fly Ranch fenced it off. There are stories of asking ‘some guy in some bar in Gerlach, he might get you in', Rick and I even considered doing that but when I read that Burning Man had purchased the property I thought the dream was dead. NOT true! Burning Man is allowing Friends of Black Rock High Rock to give tours in small groups of 18-20! We bought (donation) tickets just as fast as my little fingers could fly! Get it… FLY.

On the day of our tour Rick and I decided to take the back way through Wendel. It’s almost all (well maintained) gravel road but WATCH OUT FOR TRAINS! You’ll cross tracks a couple of times with no gates or lights, these trains are flat hauling and there have been accidents. Wendel road takes less than 2 hours to get to Gerlach, GPS said the highway would take close to 3 1/2. Plus it was GORgeous! Wild burro, antelope and those skies…unbelievable.

Once we arrived we were given some history of Fly Ranch/Geyser, Burning Man and FBRHR and what their hopes for the future are. Then off to the ranch. At the fence line you could see the geyser in the distance. It brought tears to my eyes, I had waited 20 years. The day was rainy and cloudy but it was still perfect to me. On the walking tour FBRHR ask that you not bring cameras or phones, just be present in the moment, don’t worry they’ll give you plenty of time at the end. Hot springs fill huge ponds everywhere, smaller geysers and tufa dot the landscape and when you get the main attraction you can get as close as you like! There is even a platform! Rick took fabulous shots and I’m happy to report all the colors are real. Now I’ve just gotta see it on a clear day too!

I’ve already bought more tickets for June in hopes of blue skies. I highly recommend this, the longer I live here the more I love the high desert! Here is the website if you’re interested in the tour https://blackrockdesert.ticketleap.com/fly-ranch-nature-walks-2018/