When I was a kid my mom baked bread from scratch. I’ll never forget the first slice FrEsH from the oven, butter melting on contact. Today this is becoming a lost art. Even in bakeries much of what you find is mass produced, what we call ‘bake-off’, meaning it comes in ready to bake. We make our own breads every day, deli sandwich, french, sliced varieties and rolls. Our Bakers, Richard, Carson and Jeff have been experimenting with true artisan bread recipes too but the best way to learn is always from another Baker.

Santos Buenrostro is a Technical Sales Rep for bakery supplier BakeMark. A second generation Baker, Santos was making French Bread in his parents bakery by the time he was 12 years old. He spent 3 months at the San Francisco Culinary Academy and has traveled all over the world being trained and training others plus he works in BakeMark’s lab developing recipes. Quite a resume, right? When he set up a date to come here Santos was greeted with great enthusiasm from both the bakers and the more than willing taste testers! He shared so many fantastic recipes and techniques including Hard Crust Sour, Baquettes, Ancient Grains, Soaked Grains, Apricot Cranberry, Cream Cheese Jalapeño and his Pan De Leche rolls are sweet perfection!

With your support this will only continue to grow as Santos shares more and more of his recipes! I cannot wait for you to try all of them, I just know you’re gonna be as excited as I am when you do taste our NEW wonderful scratch baked artisan breads! Because you know, here at Susanville Super we’re ALL ABOUT FRESH! My Momma would be so proud :)