Somebody can’t do everything but everybody can do something.~ IDK who said this, or if I just have the quote wrong. Either way it’s true. When we all do just a little it is astounding what we can accomplish!
When wildfire ripped through Paradise it created need. Lassen County-ians were there to help. Displaced pets, large and small, needed to be housed and fed. Ronnie Chandler, Shelby Lewis and Kami Chandler Prater called a “cowboy 911”, in no time they had $1000 and 1400lbs of hay donated! The money was used to purchase dog and cat food and whatever else they could. Then they delivered all of this to Chico where the animals are being cared for until someone claims or rescues them. Thanks to a whole lotta people these cowgirls got the job done!

Terra Avila and Shannon Cook hopped in the car and headed down to Chico’s tent cities just to see what they could do. They offered their time, attention and hard work. There is much work to be done. They fed people, sorted donations (mountains of donations) and sometimes just listened. And they didn’t just do it once.

Rod Chambers, owner of KSUE/KJDX wanted to help in a big way. He did some research to see what Camp Fire victims needed most, the answer was MONEY. Rod called us and asked if he could host a live remote in our parking lot, Rick was delighted to help. Then Rod enlisted Fire Chief James Moore and several Firefighters for a Boot Drive. This event raised $6000 in 5 hours! The amount of generosity from one small community to another blows me away.

There are many more stories to be told of so much kindness and goodness. THAT makes it feel like Christmas time. As usual I am bursting with Hometown Pride for all our Hometown Heroes freely lending a helping hand.
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