Rick and I used to bike. Like a lot. But staying in cycling shape here in the winter can be a challenge, it required spending most weekends driving to Chico so we could get outdoor miles on our bike. We’d ride from Chico to Paradise to Durham then back to Chico. It was awesome. There was a church on the corner of Pearson and Pentz with one of those changeable letter boards out front, one particular time it read “A burden shared is halved, a joy shared is doubled”. Since I still had about 50 miles left to pedal there was plenty of time to contemplate this. Wouldn’t it be great if we used our public voices to double joy? Over and over, like a snowball rolling downhill. Gaining speed, growing larger. When I look around I see some fine examples of this, why not give them a shout out?

Jennifer Petersen~ Owner Lassen Social Media, Author and involved in enough other endeavors to make my head spin. We can’t even measure most of her positive juju because it’s done behind the scenes helping manage pages on Facebook and such. I can tell you on more than one occasion I’ve seen her defend some person or business and once received a p.m. from her when there was a post about the market I should see. It’s always nice to know somebody’s watching out for you.

Terra Avilla~ Susanville PD, Manages Lassen Crime Stoppers and Susanville Police Explorer pages AND writes a weekly article for SusanvilleStuff called Why We Love This Place Wednesdays. Terra spreads enough joy to really get that snowball moving. She seems to absolutely attack every event, whether for charity or community, with an infectious enthusiasm. Family, helping Camp Fire victims, raising money with Toys for Tots or Holiday with a Hero, plus work. Her love for our community is shown through rolled up sleeves and hard work and always a smile.
I could go on and on. There are many sharing GOODness in and around the Ville, so if you see it why not share it. Let’s see how many times we can double down on that joy :)
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